Professional experience
- Since January 2023 employed dentist in the practice of Dr Leonhard
- Employed dentist in Nikolassee
- Preparatory assistant/employed dentist in Berlin-Kreuzberg, employed dentist in Berlin-Lichterfelde
- Further work as vaccination doctor at MVZ Beranuk
- Managing director and owner of Orthobasics GmbH & Co. KG
- Student tutor in the field of CAD/CAM as well as prosthetics and endodontics
- Documentation assistant for the German Rheumatism and Research Centre at Charité-Berlin January 2012 to April 2014
Further training
- Graduated with honours in April 2020 Doctorate in April 2020 (in cooperation with Charite Berlin, supervisor Prof. Dr Dieter Felsenberg)
- Medical Journalism (Bachelor of Arts) since January 2017 Graduation in September 2019 as B.A.
- Medical Journalism (Master of Arts) since October 2019 Graduation in February 2022 as Master of Arts with honours and planned publication