
Teeth and soul

Teeth and soul

It is not only in Chinese medicine that one deals with tooth-organ relationships and larger contexts. For it has been known for a long time that the connection
between dental health and general health is much more connected. So what exactly does this have to do with the soul?
The German Society for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Neurology (DGPPN) states that every 4th person in Germany suffers from a mental illness such as anxiety disorders, depression & disorders caused by alcohol or medication consumption within a year.

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Aesthetics is not only a very broad overarching concept, it is also as individual as the viewer. Whether we perceive something as aesthetic has cultural as well as familial and personal influences. Why we bother with it at all is the fact that we want to feel accepted and embraced by our environment and by groupings. So it can happen that a certain “image of beauty” is also conveyed or influenced by certain current and time-limited ideal concepts.

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The body is in fight and flight mode and set for danger. Once this happens, it is sometimes difficult to get out of the situation. Ignoring it makes little sense, because our body is stronger. The first thing that can help is to accept it and see it for what it is: a protective mechanism. The question is, what triggers it and when does it occur?

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Did you know that tooth enamel is the hardest material in our body? And what is also important to know: enamel cannot grow back. So how can it happen that this hard material disappears all at once? Tooth enamel is supposed to be protective, resistant, and all of a sudden depressions appear on the teeth, darker areas shine through. It looks more like a volcanic area than white intact teeth.

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Healthy – what is that actually?

Healthy – what is that actually?

If we assume that we are healthy most of the time and only sometimes sick, then we represent the classical pathogenetic concept, which makes a dichotomous division into healthy and sick. But are we really? In other words, perfectly healthy? Just because we don't...

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We love your smile

Dear patients

The access road Neue Straße coming from Potsdamer Straße is currently closed due to roadworks.
Therefore, please allow extra time when traveling by car.

Your practice team Dr. Leonhard

Baustelle Zufahrt Neue Straße