Teeth and soul

It is not only in Chinese medicine that one deals with tooth-organ relationships and larger contexts. It has been known for a long time that the relationship between dental
between dental health and general health is essentially linked. So what exactly does this have to do with the soul?
The German Society for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Neurology (DGPPN) states that every 4th person in Germany suffers from a mental illness such as anxiety disorders, depression & disorders caused by alcohol or medication consumption within one year.


What does this have to do with dentistry?

  • Chronic facial pain
  • Dental anxiety
  • CMD (Craniomandibular Dysfunction)
  • Bruxism
So what if a disease or a pathology cannot be reduced exclusively to the diseased organ? What if the connection is much more complex?
There is an interesting model here from the American internist and psychiatrist George L. Engel. The so-called biopsychosocial model of health and disease.
The disease is understood here as a disturbance of the interaction of physical, psychological and social factors. Not singular, but complexly intertwined and in a dynamic relationship.
So what is interesting for us in practice is the approach to CMD and bruxism.


Questions you can ask yourself if you are affected by CMD or bruxism.

  • Am I currently in a stressful phase of life?
  • What is my professional and private situation?
  • Can I sleep well?
These are all topics to look into if you suffer from bruxism and or CMD.


What can the dentist additionally evaluate/examine?

  • Could fillings and or dentures interfere with the function?
  • Is there a dysgnathia = malposition?
  • Are there any anatomical and functional peculiarities?


Especially bruxism and CMD should always be considered holistically and so you can not completely escape as a sufferer and hand over the “cure”.


Deal with the diagnosis and possible connections.

  • Am I moving enough?
  • Am I doing targeted exercises to improve/balance?
  • What could I do supportively?


Sometimes this is also a good reason to question familiar life situations.

    • First of all inform
    • Analyze areas of life and influences
    • Relaxation exercises
    • Recognize stress as a possible trigger and understand it better


Those interested in the connection between depression, anxiety, burnout, stress or sleep problems can also download an online support program. This was developed by experienced female doctors and therapists.
Dentists can prescribe this on prescription so it is covered by health insurance. Feel free to ask us about it at your next appointment.